Saturday, September 12, 2009

I believe in Angels

"Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will to power is to choose to limit oneself - to serve. Humans often do this - in touching the infirm and sick, in serving the ones whose minds have left to wander, in relating to the poor, in loving the very old and the very young, or even in caring for the other who has assumed a position of power over them." (p. 107)

1 comment:

RCBII said...

Service is a wonderful gift, it allows us to give of ourselves, and elevates us as humans. Helping those that are less fortunate, infirm, or unable to help themselves is awesome. But we should never presume that serving one who has placed themselves in a position of power over us; as a good thing if that person abuses the privledge of our service. We owe nothing to an ungrateful powerful person that can indeed give back to us a return on our investment of ourselves. Dealing with a person in that position there needs to be a mutual service to one another for something. A happy homelife, a business objective, a better relationship what have you.