Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Let the waters run...

"It's okay honey, you can let it all out... I know you've been hurt, and I know you're angry and confused. So go ahead and let it out. It does a soul good to let the waters run once in a while - the healing waters." (p. 83)


RCBII said... soothing letting go can be sometime. I can remeber after losing my Dad. I would drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway to a particular over looked I liked and would let it go. Was good to be alone and feel him near...just that one more time...or call our cabin and hear his voice on the answering machine.... anyway letting go is a good thing.

RCBII said...

I recently allowed God to come back into my life and cleanse my spirit.... It was an awesome experience making the world so new and fresh. A renewing of me of sorts. I remember as a young boy wandering the woods on our farm, and standing under a small water fall in the heat of a July day and allowing that stream to wash away all of my troubles. Refreshing, clean, pure were those waters. Just as God is today. I pray that we allow Him to renew us; because he will if we let him. Accept His love and that precious gift. It is free and willingly given. No strings, no commitments, no conditions, and false expectations just pure love. Awesome in it's glory.